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Apostle, Dr. James W. McGrady Jr.

Pastor James W. McGrady Jr.Apostle Dr. James W. McGrady Jr., is the founding Pastor of Jesus' Peace Ministries in Fayetteville, North Carolina. He has served in this capacity for over the past 25 years.

A true visionary, Apostle McGrady's overall goal is to win souls into the kingdom of God. The vision that God has given to him is "For the perfecting of the saints, the work of the ministry, and for the edifying of the body of Christ.” His mission statement addresses, "Christians providing outreach, education, rehabilitation, and soul saving, by applying and proclaiming God's word, while making a difference through Jesus Christ.

Apostle McGrady pursued educational opportunities, studied diligently and completed a Doctorate Degree in Theology, which specializes in Church Administration and Biblical Studies. He received a second Doctorate Degree in Psychology, which specializes in Christian Counseling. He is a certified Therapist with a Doctorial Diplomat Certification from the American Society of Christian Therapists.

According to Ephesians 4:11, "And he gave some apostles, and some, prophets; and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers.” The word further acknowledges, "For promotions cometh neither from the east, nor from the south, but God is the judge.” Apostle McGrady has operated under the leadership of the Holy Ghost in the prophetic, evangelistic, pastoral, as well as the teacher realms. In November 2003, he was elevated to an Apostle as identified within the five-fold ministry. Apostle McGrady is a committed, highly anointed shepherd after God's own heart with a genuine love for ministry and the body of believers at Jesus' Peace.

God has allowed his vision of a New Sanctuary with a 500 seating capacity and the JPM Youth Ministry to come to fruition. Like Nehemiah, he refuses to come down off the wall. In 2018, through him speaking vision into the body of believers, Adopt-A-Highway and a Bookstore has come to fruition.

In addition to shepherding, he owns and manages McGrady Motor Company and the Multicultural Resources Center. He spends his leisure time boating and riding his motorcycle. He and wife Co-Pastor Marshella have been married for years. They have two sons, James(Robin) and Andre, daughter, Letita (deceased), and several grandchildren.

Co-Pastor Marshella McGrady

Co-Pastor Marshella McGradyCo-Pastor Marshella McGrady, a native of Fayetteville, NC, accepted the call to ministry in 1999. Over the years God developed her ministry and is still elevating her in the word, faith and anointing. Evidence of this can be witnessed through her teaching, preaching and powerful moves of the Holy Spirit since its inception: from teaching to preaching and finance to administration. Regardless of the task, it was never too great nor too small, for her to support the church.

First Lady Marshella McGrady currently serves as Co-Pastor, Church Administrator and Director of the Women's Ministry. The Body of Jesus' Peace Ministries admires and aspires to be the wellrounded and refined woman that she xemplifies. Being given a mandate to empower women of God, First Lady founded the Women of Rose Ministry. Women of Rose ministers to spiritual, emotional and physical needs of women in the body of Christ. Additionally she helps oversee all ministries and church functions.

First Lady Marshella McGrady is known for her truthfulness sence of humor and faithfulness. Her motto is "God first then family." Her diligent support to her husband exceeds over thirty six years. She has strong leadership abilities and carries herself with grace. First Lady is a supportive and loving mother of two sons and one deceased daughter and a devoted grandmother to several grandchildren. As a wife, mother, Elder, and business woman she understands the demands and pressurers of the 21st century.

Her encouragement to women everywhere is to be led by the Spirit. Strong dedication and commitment are seen in her tireless labor of assisting her husband, Apostle Dr. James W. McGrady Jr., founding Pastor of Jesus' Peace Ministries. She has served faithfullu with him leading the people of his ministry.

A woman of Praise…… One of her favorite scriptures Is Psalms 121......

I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?
My help comes from the LORD,
who made heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot be moved; he who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD is your keeper;
the LORD is your shade on your right hand. The sun shall not strike you by day,
nor the moon by night.
The LORD will keep you from all evil; he will keep your life.
The LORD will keep
Your going out and your coming in
from this time forth and forevermore.

Come Worship With Us:
Morning Glory Testimonies ~ First Sunday of the Month during Praise and Worship Service @ 9:00 am
Worship Service ~ Is Today ~
Every Sunday Morning @ 9:00 am
Bible Study ~ Is In 2 Days ~
Every Tuesday Evening @ 7:00 pm
Youth Expressions ~ Is In 2 Days ~
Every Tuesday Evening @ 7:00 pm

More Services:
Grief Ministry ~ Thursday February 20th ~
Third Thursday of the Month @ 7:00 pm
Mighty Men of God ~ February 8th ~
Second Saturday of the Month @ 10 am
Budding Rose ~ February 1st ~
First Saturday of the Month @ 9:00 am
Women of Rose ~ February 22nd ~
Fourth Saturday of the Month @ 9:00 am
Outreach Drive ~ February 1st ~
First Saturday of the Month @ 10:00 am

Jesus Peace Ministries
Jesus'Peace Ministries Inc. © 2004~2025
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Live Broadcast Is Today Sunday Morning @ 10:00
Apostle McGrady's Youtube Channel
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☎ Intercessory Prayer Line:
716-427-1374 access 644814